CHAI—Your Key to Affordable Living in Baltimore

CHAI (Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.) is a Jewish non-profit agency dedicated to helping you find and afford a home in the vibrant Jewish community located in and around the Park Heights neighborhoods of Baltimore City, Maryland.  We are your one-stop, central source for:

·         0% interest, low interest and deferred loans

·         Grants

·         Homebuyer education

·         Homebuyer counseling

·         Information and referrals for new homebuyers

CHAI provides up to $25,000 in deferred, low or no-interest loans to qualified homebuyers and existing homeowners in the Park Heights community to help with:


·         Settlement expenses

·         Down payment

·         Home improvements


CHAI provides homebuyer education and counseling to empower and support you during the entire home buying process.  We will connect you with valuable public and private resources as well as steer you away from unsafe mortgages and unscrupulous service providers.

If you are interested in purchasing in Baltimore’s Park Heights community, call the CHAI’s Homeownership Coordinator at,  410 500-5309.

Or check out the website for all Chai Baltimore activites



5809 Park Heights Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21215